Business Process Automation
We analyze your business processes, model them with state-of-the-art scientific methods and identify the automation potential. Of course we Support you to select or develop tools and applications in the field of business and workflow management.
Software Development
We develop individual software products according to your wishes and requirements, be it in the Java ecosystem or other development platforms.
Open Source Consulting
Especially small and medium-sized enterprises suffer from the burden of high software license costs, although for almost all business applications there exist free-of-charge open source alternatives in comparable quality. We advise you individually about your options in this area and support you in the resulting migration projects.
Technical Opinions and Market Studies
We carry out technical opinions as well as market studies to support your investment decisions on software and application systems, e.g. for business plans of start-ups or other innovative projects.
Training Services
Make use of our know how in the area of software development, business process analysis and modeling, web technologies and applications. We offer individually tailored services for trainings, invited talks and educational material for the topics of your choice.
Study-Abroad Tour Services
We organize fully-customizable, short-term study-abroad tours for faculty-led MBA students groups. For more details look here.